Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
Dear Family and Friends,
What a month! The world we live in has changed immensely and we anticipate many changes in the future. While we try to keep everyone informed of the latest news, it is very difficult as the CDC and MDH recommendations change daily. In an attempt to keep everyone informed of what is happening at Cornerstone Villa, we will post all updates/changes to both our Facebook page and our web page:
Our main priority is keeping our residents safe from any of the viruses circulating around our communities.
While there is no exact science for this, we want you to know we are following all CDC and MOH recommendations so we can greatly reduce the risk of any of these viruses getting into our building. While many of the restrictions we have implemented at first glance may seem “over-reactive”, please understand how critical it is to keep your loved ones safe from contracting this awful virus.
We have restricted all visitors from our building.
Essential deliveries are dropped in an isolated area. Staff is required to undergo a daily screening prior to entering the workplace. Our residents are screened daily for symptoms. While we continue to allow families and friends to bring comfort food/items to the building, we need to start quarantining these items or a minimum of three (3) days before distributing the items to the residents. Please do not bring anything to the facility that is perishable. Place the items in a secured plastic bag and mark the bag with the resident’s name. Place the bag(s) in the container in the container located in the foyer at the main entrance. We ask that items be brought to the facility on Mondays and Thursdays only. Please limit the number of items brought in. Also, in an attempt to reduce the risk for infections getting into our building, we ask that you allow the facility to launder all resident clothing and bedding during this quarantine period. If you have any questions or concerns please call or email us:
- Social Services – Rina: or call extension 7450
- Director of Nursing– Julie: or call extension 7460
- Administrator-Debbie: or call extension 7420
- Business Office-Annie: or call extension 7400
Please share this information with the rest of your family and friends as only the residents’ designated responsible party will receive mailings. Thank you for your continued patience, understanding, and cooperation!
Debbie Doughty, Administrator
PO Box 724 • 1000 Forest Street
Buhl, Minnesota 55713
Phone 218-258-3253
Fax 218-258-2246